Elena V. Karanina, Vasily M. Karaulov

Abstract: The assessment of the state of security of socio-economic systems in the context of regions is important, taking into account the peculiarities of their differentiation and the impact of external and internal environmental factors. There are many approaches to diagnosing the security of regions, but to a greater extent, standardized assessment mechanisms are based on the definition of criteria, threats, indicators, thresholds, and risk zones. The authors of the article proposed a model for diagnosing the security and sustainability of regional ecosystems based on a hierarchical structure of 58 low-level indicators grouped into 6 main projections and 15 sub-projections. The indicators were assessed at a scoring scale from 1 to 100 points based on the threshold levels of security and the method of piecewise linear scaling with the definition of three qualitative levels of security of regional ecosystems: low, medium (or average) and high level of security. The recommended methodology makes it possible to rank the Russian Federation members by the level of security and the level of threats in general and in the context of projections and sub projections, as well as to form maps of risks and security threats for the Russian Federation members.

Keywords: economic security, regional ecosystems, threats, indicators, projections, ecosystem security diagnostics

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.03-19

Recieved: 20.08.2023  Accepted: 05.04.2024  UDC: 502.131.1

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