Hasan Beyari

Abstract: The aim of this paper was to conduct a systematic review of the newly emerging research on e-commerce, and synthesise any learnings for e-commerce system development from a quality perspective. A systematic review was conducted using Google Scholar and 39 shortlisted papers were reviewed. The results of the review found the following: The e-commerce industry's rapid growth in 2020 cannot be ignored. Demand for various types of products rose as situational requirements changed and varied among countries. Some countries could not implement e-commerce effectively due to lack of trust and confidence of customers on online transactions and weak laws and regulations to protect them. Some theories like Maslow' hierarchical needs and Ajzen's planned reasoned action and planned behaviour may apply to customer intentions for online purchase as a few results indicate. On the supplier side, various digital technologies to facilitate the display of products, information regarding safety, e-ordering, and payment methods have been used, and new methods are being tested. International organisations like WHO, World Bank, EU and international consultancy agencies like McKinsey have released reports and guidelines in this respect. One firm belief is that the new normal in all aspects of work and life set by the pandemic will continue even after the threat is over. The implications of this research from the perspective of the quality of e-commerce system development are that the system will need to exhibit the following characteristics: gain the trust and confidence of customers by aligning the system with the best practices in online transactions; use suitable digital technologies to facilitate the display of products, information regarding safety, e-ordering, and payment; and ensure there is sufficient supply of the products offered.

Keywords: E-commerce, Systems Development, Quality, Trends

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.03-07

Recieved: 15.10.2020  Accepted: 05.02.2021  UDC: 005.332.2

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