Krešimir Buntak, Matija Kovačić, Maja Mutavdžija

Abstract: The development of artificial intelligence (AI) starts in the 1950-year whit lot of skepticism. Whit the development of informational technologies, skepticism related to the AI is decreasing ant its applicability is increasing. AI shown special usage in the management of the complex system as well as the help for humans in different kinds of processes. One of the most frequently used AI is in the business where is used for the decision-making process support, making different kind of the simulations as well as the base for the developing competitive advantage of the organization. Whit implementing the AI system in different departments in an organization there is a possibility to increase performances of the business processes as well as the increasing satisfaction whit the service or the products that organizations have. Some of the examples of usage of AI in business are marketing, research and development, production, and quality management.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, competitive advantage, machine learning, organizational performances, quality management

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.02-03

Recieved: 10.07.2020  Accepted: 20.11.2020  UDC: 004.8

Reads: 1332   

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