Adriana Grenčíková, Marcel Kordoš, Vladislav Berkovič

Abstract: Intelligent devices, machines and technologies, virtual reality, 3D printing and cooperative robotic devices are being implemented into the industry currently. These technologies are also transferred to the manufacturing sector, where industrial facilities connect, collaborate and make decisions by means of artificial intelligence. The aim of the paper is to find out the impact level of Industry 4.0 implementation within Slovak enterprises. The research was provided based on the data set on the Slovak statistical office and the questionnaire survey being carried out during the period of December 2018 till February 2019 by random selection; 350 companies were contacted with a return of 220 responses. From the reactions of the companies, we evaluated the employers' opinion and their readiness on the emergence of smart industry in Slovakia. The result of the study will be an assessment of two key issues concerning the current jobs structure requirements in terms of employees' education structure and, in particular, employers' reactions on the Industry 4.0 implementation reflecting the future job structure in Slovak industry.Based on the results it is proposed the expected positive changes should be transformed into higher productivity, greater flexibility, greater competitiveness, higher profitability, security and ecology. As research limitation there can be mentioned issues such as: some questioners from the survey had to be void, some answers were not relevant.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Industry 4.0, Robotics, New Jobs Creation

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.01-13

Recieved: 17.01.2020  Accepted: 15.06.2020  UDC: 005.591.6

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