Abstract: The subject of the research is the innovative products commercialization process features in strategic management and entrepreneurship marketing and legal aspects. The testing of the used methods and techniques was carried out on the example of the innovative enterprise. The methodical approach of the study is based on the analytic and descriptive approach and is aimed at providing a case study. Thus, the aim of the study is to analyze the marketing and legal component at different stages of the innovative products commercialization process and the adaptation of theoretical and methodological approaches at an empirical level. The study demonstrates which marketing and legal tools and at what stages of commercialization it is advisable to use, and also proves the economic efficiency of the innovative project according to the described methodology. The results of calculations and analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the methodological approaches and enterprise development strategies use.
Keywords: Commercialization, Innovation; Marketing tools; Legal tools; Innovative products; Consumer; Strategy; Marketing-mix; Patent; Licensing
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR14.04-18
Recieved: 17.06.2020 Accepted: 29.09.2020 UDC: 339.138
Reads: 1487