Abstract: The main goal of this work is to demonstrate that the concerns about the qualification of research in the field of design have had in the last years of this decade an extraordinary development due to the recognition of its importance for quality innovation and competitiveness of business, but also due to its importance as a strategic partner in a system-oriented approach. The methodology of this research will focus on a literature review that shows that Design Research itself is a very complex area of knowledge production, thus it requires an equally rich repertoire of methods and positions. The main findings point to the need to position individual researchers approaches in this complex scenario that ensures quality in design and development processes. In conclusion it is necessary to continue defining its particularities and also to develop a scenario proposal for Design Research through practice.
Keywords: Research design; Practice-based research; knowledge production; Quality; Design and development processes
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR14.02-20
Recieved: 06.11.2019 Accepted: 27.02.2020 UDC: 05.41
Reads: 1498