Abstract: Quality Management has been one of the most dominating and pervasive managerial approaches all over the world during the last three decades. The questionnaire of this study included different information, of where we can highlight: the perception of the importance having implemented the ISO 9001 standard; the most used quality tools/techniques in the professional activities. As main conclusions we can highlight: women attach great importance to the implementation of the ISO 9001 standard, namely as regards on customer satisfaction, in the competitiveness of the Organization and in the relationship with customers and give less importance in individual performance, in motivation of professionals and in the evolution of sales. Men value the implementation of the ISO 9001 more, namely regarding to the relationship with customers, in the management mode and they give less importance to the evolution of sales and to the motivation of professionals.
Keywords: Quality management, ISO 9001, Perception of quality, Quality Certification
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR13.04-20
Recieved: 25.07.2019 Accepted: 05.09.2019 UDC: 006.013
Reads: 1466