Luis Miguel Fonseca, William Esteves, Valentina Mihaela Ghinea, Ramona Elena Cantaragiu

Abstract: Researchers have focused on the influence of organizational models in the actions, and subsequent outcomes of organizations and the results support the view that there is indeed an association between certain features of organizational models and organizational performance outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to map the organizational models used by Portuguese companies to identify possible dominant patterns and search for differences across several dimensions (sector, size, number of customers; internal/external market). The results show a level of organizational hybridism with several models applied simultaneously and with smaller firms showing a higher emphasis on dialogue, flexibility, and response capability. There is also a general preference among Portuguese companies for the bureaucratic organizational model. The results also indicate that organizations that adopt the bureaucratic model seem to be able to implement systematic processes innovation making compatible the rules and procedures with the ability to learn and adapt.

Keywords: Organizational theories, Organizational models, Portuguese companies, Performance, Competitive advantage

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR13.04-04

Recieved: 17.06.2019  Accepted: 05.09.2019  UDC: 519.866

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