Iva Bulatović, Ana Stranjančević

Abstract: Contemporary tourists are highly demanding, they look for new experiences and unique sensations, while their satisfaction is an indicator of destination quality. Awareness of the factors of tourist satisfaction is of crucial importance for destination management. This paper examines the satisfaction of tourists on the example of Montenegro. In Montenegro, the tourist satisfaction was not much studied which reflects the originality of this research. Factors of tourist satisfaction represent an indicator of the destination management quality. When critical points of tourist offer are known, it is easier for destination management to create strategic plans and to focus on quality improvements. Research results confirm that the existing resources of Montenegro as a tourist destination are not well designed nor properly exploited and that the tourist offer is incomplete. Authors give recommendations on how to increase the level of tourist satisfaction and how tourist satisfaction can help destination management to ensure quality.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Quality, Tourist destination, Management, Resources, Montenegro

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR13.01-03

Recieved: 23.08.2018  Accepted: 12.12.2018  UDC: 366.626:338.48

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