Stanislav E. Elkin, Olga S. Elkina, Sergey Y. Metelev

Abstract: The article discusses the concept of "human development" and the schematic diagram of the organizational design of regional management systems in relation to human development. Management as an organizational process in the study is considered as part of all social subsystems, specifies regularities of development and formation of new structures and functions. In the study applied the following methods: allocation of levels of models, techniques of domination, the allocation phases of the operation, the construction of generalized indicators, etc. As a result of research design problems of systems management human development revealed that the primary means of successful adaptation of organizations to changing conditions is an effective mechanism for management of human capacity, which will provide the best in current economic terms the end results that allows you to apply the concept of "innovation potential" in relation to the process of human development.

Keywords: the system of human development, human potential, the theory of human potential, human development concept

DOI: 10.18421/IJQR11.03-05

Recieved: 06.03.2017  Accepted: 12.06.2017  UDC: 005.7

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