Abstract: Research presented in this paper is primarily focused on the theoretical model of transportation routes' optimization, by means of using an innovative approach, projected to countries in transition. This paper presents part of the research, whose main parameters are directly related to basic research hypothesis, and are result of author's stay in vocational training in the Japanese city of Osaka, in the period 12.01. - 07.03.2015. Based on the transport routes' calculations, we came to an answer set in the research problem of this paper, as well as to the optimization of costs and avoiding a "downtime" during the collection of waste conducted by utility companies, who will be the beneficiaries of this model. The primary goal of the work is to, on the base of knowledge and experience acquired in Japan, create an Optimization Model of Transport Routes adjusted to countries in transition (Bosnia and Herzegovina and others), which will, in the long run, be of benefit to these countries, in terms of a sustainable waste management.
Keywords: 3R, globalistion and countries in transition, inovation in transport, rationalisation of espenses
DOI: 10.18421/IJQR11.03-02
Recieved: 25.07.2016 Accepted: 02.09.2016 UDC: 005.6:628.4
Reads: 1521