Abstract: This paper elaborates on the problem of quality management at the company, which is implemented through sustainable HRM, which, in turn, is based on digital competencies. In the process of the research, we disclose the modern understanding of quality, characterise the specifics of sustainable management labour resources, and determine the important role and parameters of digital competencies. The basis of the methodology of this research is the concept that is aimed at combining the spheres of digital competence, sustainable HRM, and quality management, which allows strengthening and expanding the opportunities for ensuring quality at the company. The result of this research is the determination of positive effects and interconnection between digital competencies, sustainable HRM and the system of quality management. Characteristics of these facts allowed identifying the key advantages of the proposed integration of the sub-systems of management, which are based on fuller use of digital solutions in business, learning, and quality management. According to this, we determine the relevance of the company's personnel acquiring digital competencies and their complete use within the sustainable management of human resources, which will allow for a substantial increase in the level of quality management at the company.
Keywords: Quality, Quality management, Human Resources, Sustainable human resources management, Concept of sustainable development, Digitalisation, Digital competencies
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.04-05
Recieved: 20.10.2023 Accepted: 01.06.2024 UDC: 005.6
Reads: 55