Abstract: The article presents the use of the ahp in the evaluation of work in a selected municipal enterprise operating in one of the agglomerations in Poland. Based on the case study, the use of AHP was presented in terms of overall evaluation of jobs of municipal company, which enabled to determine the hierarchy of organizational positions due to the difficulty and arduousness of work. The research proceedings were suplemented by document analysis, structured interviews, team work methods, and classification technique. The article shows that such an approach ensured, on the one hand, the inclusion of qualitative aspects of tasks performed at individual positions in the assessment of work difficulties, and ensures team coordination of assessments and opinions, promoted in quality management, on the basis of which decisions regarding remuneration are made.
Keywords: job evaluation, analityc hierarchy process, jobs ranking, municipal company
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.03-13
Recieved: 21.04.2023 Accepted: 14.11.2023 UDC: 316.662.2:005.732
Reads: 142