Abstract: With the awareness of women's power in working life, women are now seen as the key to social sustainable development. The evaluations to be made with the problem how the quality of work life of working women (in the light of criteria such as participation in employment (labor force), starting and maintaining entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship incentives, success, happiness, education, family support, salary, job satisfaction, position, etc.) has been interpreted in the last ten years, the expectations for the next ten years and the rates that will change by means of the proposed recommendations are the main subjects of this study. Interpreting the antecedents, results and future expectations of women's employment and women's work life quality in the countries with a comparison between Serbia and Turkey among the developing countries will show the importance given by the relevant nations to women employees on the axis of social sustainability.
Keywords: social sustainability, women's employment, sustainable quality of work life, Turkey, Serbia
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.03-08
Recieved: 21.05.2023 Accepted: 12.11.2023 UDC: 005.953:364.614.8
Reads: 139