Abstract: The lunar calendar is the first one established in history. The lunar calendar gives nature's weekly and monthly changes more precisely than the solar one. In restoring such a calendar, we distinguished between proven facts and hypotheses and legends, which were preserved with the help of records based on the testimony of individuals who lived in northwestern Slovenia during the first part of the 20th century. Their eternal lunar calendar is said to be over 300 years old. Its users believed in the initial force, which, according to them, governs everything that exists in this world. Considering the natural cycles increases the quality of our life and ensures its longest possible length.
Keywords: time measurement, base-sixty number system, eternal lunar calendar, Nature Worship in the Western Slovenia
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.03-03
Recieved: 29.05.2023 Accepted: 05.01.2024 UDC: 006.95:523.34
Reads: 154