Victoriia Overchuk, Viktor Zvonar, Olena Koval, Olena Kyselova, Mykhailo Goncharenko

Abstract: The results of the study indicate significant changes in human capital due to the military confrontation with the Russian Federation. It was established that the human capital in the pre-war period was characterized as highly educated and qualified, which is proved by high indices in the international talent competitiveness rating (61st place out of 155 countries), however, during the war period there was a significant loss of human capital, which was estimated at 4031 thousand killed, 4735 thousand wounded, 1 million 2 thousand forcibly deported to the Russian Federation, 13.7 million displaced, of whom 5.7 million people left the country. In order to overcome the crisis situation it is suggested to point the main ways of preservation and post-war restoration of human capital in the direction of: creating appropriate conditions to stimulate the return of citizens to Ukraine, the development of effective programs of post-war restoration of human capital and its sustainable development in Ukraine, as well as providing free and unimpeded access to educational services with opportunities for participation of applicants in international projects and programs.

Keywords: Human capital, Human development index, Human capital losses, Post-bellum development of human capital, Russian-Ukrainian military confrontation

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.02-07

Recieved: 09.06.2023  Accepted: 09.01.2024  UDC: 005.336.4

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