Abstract: This paper builds upon the author's widely published research into the failure of organisations to embed the principles and practices of quality management in organisations, citing significant barriers relating to culture and leadership drive. With economic and sustainability pressures on organisations, new approaches to educating leaders is necessary. The author's research findings reveal that traditional teaching methods and formal leadership development programmes are not sufficient to meet current economic demands and fail to contribute to the overall effectiveness of leaders in supporting the organisation's future competitiveness. This paper explores new approaches to educating leaders in more strategic and contemporary perspectives of quality management, through the vehicle of action-learning problem-based methodologies, termed "integrated learning strategies" and discusses how these methodologies are proactively engaging leaders in the pursuit of organisational success.
Keywords: Leadership, Culture change, Competitiveness, Learning strategies
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR16.04-04
Recieved: 25.06.2021 Accepted: 26.11.2021 UDC: 005.6
Reads: 1437