Andrey V. Kuklin, Elena A. Bratukhina, Yulia O. Gorokhovitskaya

Abstract: This paper aims to develop a new approach to management of education in the regional economy, which is oriented at quality. Originality of this research consists in considering quality as the key landmark of management of education in the regional economy. This ensures harmonization of non-commercial and commercial function of universities. It is proved - by the example of modern Russia - that quality should be the key landmark of management of education in the regional economy. It is determined that in 2020 quality of services of secondary vocational and higher education in Russia's regional economy has a secondary role, determining the opportunities for employment of university graduates by 31.22% and having almost no influence on the level of their wages. The key factor of graduates' employment is the number and qualification of lecturers (48.75%). The perspectives of increase of quality of services of secondary vocational and higher education in Russia's regional economy are connected to transition to the practice-oriented model of education, active use of the network form of education, wide professional and public accreditation of educational programs by employers, and upgrade of equipment and equipment of universities. For this we offer applied recommendations, which are based on expansion of the use of the leading technologies according to the federal project of digital education, which is successfully implemented in Russia's regions and is oriented for the period until 2024.

Keywords: Quality, Key landmark, Education management, Higher education, Universities, Regional economy, Regions of Russia, Quality management

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.02-06

Recieved: 17.10.2020  Accepted: 26.01.2021  UDC: 37.014.6

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