Abstract: Numerous authors and researchers state that the transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 is practically a transformation from digital manufacturing to a digital society with the convergence of science and technologies in Society 5.0, moving from technology to society. Changes are noticeable in the field of quality, and it is realistic to expect a transition from Quality 4.0 to Quality 5.0, which involves a significant shift in focus and approach. This research aims to answer several questions: 1) to clearly understand the current situation and learn lessons from the implementation, successes, and drawbacks of Quality 4.0; 2) to discuss the vision, mission, trends, and challenges in transitioning to Quality 5.0; 3) to define models for the development, implementation, and integration of Quality 5.0, covering important variables such as development strategy, digitalization strategy, level of investment, level of business excellence, competitiveness level, and knowledge level. In this manuscript, we will provide an analysis and insights from a literature review of published manuscripts in this field, insights from industry solutions, as well as results from recent research.
Keywords: Quality 4.0, Quality 5.0, Industry 4.0, Society 5.0, business strategy, trends, challenges
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.04-18
Recieved: 09.09.2023 Accepted: 22.02.2024 UDC: 005.336.3
Reads: 62