Abstract: Over the last few decades, quality has become one of the most important factors of companies' competitiveness, a condition for their survival and development. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the degree of quality culture development in an organization. The analysis was based on empirical research in which 80 employees from the company Šinvoz, Zrenjanin participated during November 2022. The results showed that the organizational culture in this company did not sufficiently implement the characteristics of the quality culture. Employees do not notice enough management involvement and commitment in quality improvement efforts, the organizational culture is centralized and formalized, which is why the employees themselves are not engaged and committed to quality improvement. There is a big disproportion (gap) between what is visible and publicly announced (quality statement) and what is not immediately visible (opinions and attitudes of employees). In the following period, the company should constantly confirm in practice that quality is its key value, in order to reduce this disproportion.
Keywords: Quality, Organizational Culture, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Competitiveness
DOI: 10.24874/IJQR18.04-09
Recieved: 11.12.2023 Accepted: 01.06.2024 UDC: 005.336.3
Reads: 47